Spotlight Practice

May 2019 Spotlight Practice

Rehabilitation at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine

Blacksburg, Virginia

AARV Members:
Theresa E. Pancotto, DVM, MS, DACVIM(N), CCRP
Florence Sforza, VMCVM-VTH

Student Members:
Erin Burns
Ashley Crossman
Brittany Weicht


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Canine rehabilitation got its first footing at Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine in 2007. We have had quite a few ups and downs in building our program but now have a full-time LVT, CCRP supported by 3 DVMs. Flori Bliss (LVT, CCRP) has been a part of our development since the very earliest phases and has spent many years working closely with board-certified orthopedic surgeons. Dr. Theresa E. Pancotto has been at VMCVM since 2008; she is a board-certified neurologist (2011) and became certified in canine rehabilitation in 2012. Drs. Virginia Corrigan (DABVP) and Avril Arendse (DACVIM, neurology) joined the college in 2016 and will write their examinations this fall.

We have additional support from Drs. Mark Freeman and Jeff Wilson, both certified in veterinary acupuncture.

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An elective in physical rehabilitation and complementary medicine is offered to the third-year veterinary students. We join forces with our equine rehabilitation team to teach this 2-credit course. The course includes instruction on therapeutic exercise, various modalities (laser, e-stim, shockwave, therapeutic ultrasound, PEMF), acupuncture, and nutrition. There are hands-on labs with both dogs and horses. Enrollment this year was 76!

Our practice has a strong neurology focus, which is no coincidence given the driving forces behind growing the service. We strive for holistic and comprehensive rehabilitation services and work closely with the other specialties in the hospital. Dr. Pancotto's focus is on neuro-rehabilitation and alternative pain management. She is applying for CVPP (certified veterinary pain practitioner) certification and will complete certification in veterinary acupuncture this fall. Dr. Virginia Corrigan has specific interests in rehabilitation for mobility support and multimodal pain management for senior/geriatric patients, and is concurrently seeking certification in Animal Hospice and Palliative Care as well as Veterinary Medical Acupuncture.

We hope to move into a larger space with hospital expansion and have additional CCRPs to provide care.

Article written by AARV Member Theresa E. Pancotto, DVM, MS, DACVIM(N), CCRP

Service Chief, Preferred Contact:
Theresa E. Pancotto, DVM, MS, DACVIM(N), CCRP

Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
205 Duck Pond Drive
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061



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