Sponsor Guidelines
Sponsor Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor or advertiser of AARV.
We offer 4 tiers of sponsorship:
- Tier 1 - Platinum (Grants and Awards): Platinum Level is for AARV Sponsors that go above and beyond our regular sponsorship level to provide significant funding for research grants, educational and other unique opportunities for members worth at least $2,500 or more.
- Tier 2 - Gold (Education Opportunities): Gold Level is for AARV Sponsors that provide funding for continuing education events specifically, including, but not limited to, Online CE events. Sponsors will be included in the tier for no longer than 1 year from the event. Please read our Online CE Event Guidelines below.
- Tier 3 - Silver (Member Discounts): Silver Level is for AARV Sponsors that offer discounts on their products and services for AARV members.
- Tier 4 - Bronze (Additional Sponsors): Bronze Level includes all other sponsors.
Questions? Please email Dr. Julie Servaites, AARV Industry Liaison, with any questions.
AARV Sponsored Online CE Event Guidelines
Approved by the AARV Board of Directors October 31, 2023
- Virtual CE Events can be co-hosted between AARV and any tiered AARV Sponsor.
- Any sponsor of an online CE event will have their banner ad moved to our Tier 2/Gold sponsor tier for no longer than 1 year after the event takes place.
- Virtual CE Events may occur no more frequently than once every 6 months.
- The Sponsor(s) will be responsible for providing funding for the event, as well as the platform, if there is one preferred by the sponsor.
- Payment to speakers will be the responsibility of either AARV, the Sponsor, or split between the organizations, determined as appropriate for each individual event.
- AARV has the right to review all speaker topics to ensure an unbiased, non-commercial presentation of educational materials.
- The Sponsor has the right to provide vignettes for its products or services between speakers, or to incorporate up to one presentation about its product/service, provided that appropriate disclosure statement(s) is/are present at the beginning of the session.
- A specific Sponsor may not co-host a Virtual CE event with AARV more often than once every two years.
- The virtual CE will be conducted on the platform that is determined to be the best option by the AARV in the event that the Sponsor is not providing the platform themselves.
- The virtual CE event can be up to a maximum of 8 hours in length, with a 1-hour meal break provided for any event over 5 hours in duration.
- The Sponsor and AARV will each provide a representative to co-moderate the virtual CE event.
- Recording of the CE event for later viewing will be at the discretion of the AARV and the Sponsor, and may be based on the RACE-approval status of the event.